Giant Nephilim Petrified in Our Mountains

Mountains that look like people and every culture has a similar story about them.

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Question Everything Friends

This is one of those things that really make you question everything. In short there are mountains all over the earth that have massive stones faces in them. Some islands look like bodies of giants laying on their side and some caves may very well be the innards of their internal organs. Sounds totally insane, but guess what? The Bible has given us enough to start digging into this! Let's get into it!

What Are We Looking At?

These guys. Likely the giants of old. Petrified in stone by the ancient flood.

What. In. The. Serious. Flip.

Legends of Giants & The Bible

Every civilization has legends of giants. We see them everywhere, especially in the name Titan which comes from the Greeks. They all are the same beings. Giants started off massive due to angels mating with human woman. This resulted in the giants as large as todays mountains. Wow. Let's read what Genesis says first of all.

Genesis 6:4-7

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and afterward as well—when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown.

Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time. And the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the LORD said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”

The Story Explained

God commanded his angels not to mate with women because he knew it would modify the DNA of humans who do not have spiritual bodies (yet) and that would completely wreck humanity. There was lots of this kind of practice and it's where we get things like Mermaids. Because the DNA, the core of humanity had been so corrupted, Gods only choice was to destroy it all. Noah was found righteous in Gods eyes and so he used him to repopulate the after. Yahweh was left with no choice. these giants enslaved the humans to feed them massive amounts of food and when the humans no longer could they turned and started eating all of them. Noah and his family may have literally been the last humans on earth. That would also show how patient God was as he watched all this unfold. It certainly grieved him.

So good angels came down and slayed all the giants (and also cut down the trees) then the flood comes. What do you suppose happened to giant bodies after they'd been doused in waters from above and below for 40 days? What about after a few thousand years? The remains of these bodies served as a reminder to people everywhere that God is righteous and will preserve his people if they just simply follow his ways and keep his standards.

The angels were punished and sent to what our Bibles call "the Pit." The Hebrew term is Abaddon and it's also where the Beast in Revelation rises from. They are chained in darkness until their destruction (Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4, Psalm 107:10-11) after the Millennial Reign of Christ. (Revelation 20)

Some of the teachings of these Watcher class angels were preserved on stone and pass down to Noahs grandchildren (in Jubilees 8:3-4) and so that's why you still see accounts of giants all over the Old Testament. These giants get progressively smaller as time goes by, until today where the tallest in the 1920s was Robert Waldo who was about 10 feet. There are also some hanging out in Peru on top of a mountain.

Anytime Yahweh commanded his people to destroy the men, women and children of an entire nation you can bet it was because they too had been corrupted in a fashion similar to the Nephilim. In an effort to protect what is not corrupted God has to destroy the modified DNA or it could all happen again. The spirits of the Nephilim are also kinda stuck. They cannot ascend to heaven because all souls go to Sheol before the resurrection, but at the same time they don't belong there either so this is where we what was called "unclean spirits" or our modern term "demons". In the New testament we see Jesus casting out demons and in Luke 11:24-26 it speaks of where these stinkers go. Read this and now you'll understand the context they had back then.

When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ On its return, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there. And the final plight of that man is worse than the first.” -Luke 11:24-26

So unclean spirits a.k.a. demons are stuck here until they are destroyed in the Lake of Fire. That is literally the only place for them other than earth, but praise the Most High that he sent his Son and our belief in him gives us immense power over these stupid little buggers. So let me be clear.

Jesus and all his followers believed that unclean spirits were/are the spirits of these giants.

Soak on that for a while.

More Hebrew Accounts

That's a decent start, but Genesis in general reads like its a summary so are there any other ancient Hebrew text we can derive more information from? Surely they would have written more than just that? The answer is yes! The book of Jubilees has a more detailed account and so does 1 Enoch. They continue to dig up more and more. Both of these book never made it into our Western cannon because of the council of Nicaea, however they have been in the Ethiopian canon since Jesus's days and they have held these in very high regard. Other civilizations keep these around too, so anyway that to say there is some credibility to these books. In fact I've seen reason to believe they were even in the scriptures at mount Sinai. Jesus and his disciples definitely quoted and referenced these in the New testament too.

Read the account form Jubilees Chapter 5 here.

Read the account form 1 Enoch, Section 1, Chapters 6-12 here.

What About Witchcraft?

So if the souls of these dead giants are what we call demons, then what does that say about witchcraft? Your average person is probably not involved in witchcraft on a level that's like that of Aliester Crowley or the Satanic Elites of this world, but rather just doing it to mess with an old boyfriend or because they desperately miss a lost loved-one. Things like fortune telling or even Dungeon and Dragons seems pretty harmless, but people don't realize that just like King Saul in 1 Samuel 28, they are playing around with something more serious. The intent behind which craft varies but the medium by which people receive answers is from these unclean spirits (who are very deceptive and cannot be trusted.). In other words the Nephilim. They really do receive answers and people really can see what they think is their loved ones, but it's really just these demons playing on people's ignorance. Doing these things actually opens doors for them to mess with your life in other ways. Basically just by agreeing with their practices it's like saying ok, I'm fair game.

This is why Yahweh always commanded his people to stay far away from witchcraft. Not to even dabble in it. Today that would be video games, movies, rubbing skulls all that stuff that seems pretty harmless. He says to stay away simply for your protection and He knows its not worth the trouble it can cause. This is the love of our heavenly father who sees the danger before we do. In fact he's seen it play out in peoples lives over and over for thousands of years. The good news is that at the name of Jesus makes all these spirits leave and won't be able to return if one turns to doing things Gods way and starts slowly trusting in the things Yahweh commands. There is no need for a priest. Often times they are invoking the same spirits, but using white magic. White magic is 100% the same spirits playing the good guys after being the bad guys. The problem and the solution if you will. they are masters of deception, but are also pretty easy to see through if you know this. Thats why it's ineffective and God say to stay away form all forms of magic. Slowly realizing that He is always right about everything and that He is worth trusting. All the while gaining his protection from whatever you came out of.

Bonus Round!

Did you know that our word pharmacy comes from the work pharmakeia? Read that definition and then think about what witch doctors do? Is it really any different? Hmmm...

Other (Smaller) Giants in the Bible

Giants go progressively smaller after the flood. I won't go into great depth here, but in my file download at the bottom you can find some interesting things. When you go back and read the Bible knowing what tribes had giants, it totally changes your perspective! Abraham demolished some tribes that were giants with his little clan and Yah on his side.

Genesis 14 has some giants.

The Israelites were too afraid to go into the Promised land of Canaan because Canaanites were absolutely massive. And the first place they had to fight was when they learned their lesson was Jericho, a massive fortress built like a maze and guarded by those same giants they were afraid of the first time. Then Yahweh just tells them to walk around it and destroys it with the sonic frequency of their voices! (Possibly amplified by the Ark of the Covenant.)

Samson lost a bet with some loser Philistines and he went to a city and slayed some Ashkelons, known to be giants, took their clothes and gave them as payment for a debt. Haha! Classic. (Judges 14)

Of courses there is ol' David and Goliath. (1 Samuel 17)

One thing is true with all these stories. The Giants are never good guys. They are always destroyed.

Time Look At More

There's even massive footprints laying around.

On it's own any of these picture would be casts aside, but when you seem all together and add in some ancient texts it's pretty in your face that this was all real.

More Visuals on the Big Ol Nasties

Could Caves Be Remains of Giants?

I'd say it's highly probable. Not all of them of course, some sure look like it.

There's a ton more if you dig into Mudfossil University's channel on youtube. He finds toes and red rocks that have petrified blood in them. It's wild. Again the narrative is always that these were formed over millions or billions of years which we know is total hogwash. Something to think about.

Watch Mudfossil University

Giant Animals Too!

To add more credence to this idea of giant people, there were also giant animals. It seems like everything was much larger a few thousand years ago!

How About Giant Tools?

Perhaps not, but how does one explain this?

More Recent Giants of the Old World

People from 10-30 feet tall have clearly been around in the last 250 years. What in the world happened to them and why are we not told about these people?

Maybe it's a tree idk

Perhaps we have been told what happened to them. Next time you see a mountain you may be wondering what the heck is under it.

Perhaps we have been told.
Robert Wadlo in 1920s (ish)
What To Do With All This?

After seeing all this information, it's hard to take it all in. Just soak on it for however long you need to. I've been thinking and studying this for years now and it's just really fun. Remember that they serve as a reminder of how powerful the Most High is and that he loves us and will protect us. Enjoy the ride and never stop learning. Question everything and you'll always learn something new.

Dowload My Library

I have a massive library of even more videos and images on this topic that will keep you enthralled for days. You can download them below for free, becasuse it's worth sharing.