Giant Ancient Trees We Call Mountains

Open your eyes to a fascinating aspect of God's creation.

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Question Everything Friends

It's time to open your eyes to something you can't unsee. We're going to take a look at trees in ancient past, the old world and the now.

The general idea is that some mountains are petrified trees cut down long ago.

Places like the grand canyon are just giant quarries.

Wow ok let's take a look.

Massive Ancient Trees

The Bible speaks about trees and heavily implies they are extremely tall. The Cedar of Lebanon come to mind. Let's investigate a book that isn't in our Western Canon but has been a integral part of the Ethiopian Canon since the days of Jesus. The book of 1 Enoch. speak about these trees being cut down before the flood. Almost as if to prevent the giants from escaping the flood or something. I'm not sure at the moment.

This is a phenomenal documentary called What On Earth Happened that covers 5 hours worth of topic that absolutely blew our minds. I can't recommend it enough, but I started it at the chapter that talks about the trees. You will see many examples, but also understand how they've changed in substance over time.

I have one more documentary that is dedicated to this matter and it's mention in the video above.

No Forrest on Earth Documentary

The most extensive research I've seen on this matter of ancient trees comes from the documentary below. Its super interesting. You'll love it! The idea is that all the forrest we see now are basically just little sprouts of the trees that used to be.

Examples of Tree Stump Mountains
See One Up Close

Here is a very recent video of someone up close to one.

The Old World Fascination With Chopping Down Trees

People in the old world seems to have some unbelievable technology, but at the same time it's like they survived a large reset, becasue they are completely clueless and just do things that they're told. Many were families can only trace their lineage back as far as someone who was on the Orphan Trains. It begs the question of where did they come from, but also what were they told to do. the following image below look like they were told to cut down massive trees and it seems like they mindlessly did it.

old world woodman cut massive tree 1800s
old world men standing on massive tree stump 1800s
The Bucket Excavator

This bucket excavator is pretty gnarly, but seriously what it i doing? It seems likely this could have carved the Grand Canyon. It may not have but certainly it'd be possible. Who pays for stuff like this? Is this where our taxes go? I'm just floored with questions over this thing.

In the No Forest on Earth video there is a great segment on this fella.

bucket excavator in massive quarry
bucket excavator in massive quarry
Thing Were Bigger In the Bible

It may be mostly before the flood, but all of creation was certainly bigger pre-flood. That said there have been giants even to this day. I imagine the Garden of Eden was full of massive plants and that even Adam and Even were quite large, because before there was any corruption of the earth can you imagine how how much more oxygen there would be. So much of the earth has become desserts and cities. More oxygen would completely change the game for us little pipsqueak humans of today. Or perhaps the No Forrest Documentary is right and everything was mad eof Silicone rather than carbon. It says that would make things 20,000 times smaller. Wow. Yeah definitely check. that out when you're done reading.

A cool book called the Apocalypse of Abraham has a chapter where Abraham is given a vision of Adam and Even in the garden and they are in fact very large.

Although this book has not been in any modern cannons perhaps it holds some information that stand to be true? I'm not sure but it's worth noting.

Om so without a doubt we have stumbled upon something extremely interesting! I recommend you watch all the videos I presented and just start looking around. Take your time and process it. Share this with others so you can learn from other people thoughts. You never know whats going. to make sense to someone.

You probably still feel like theres just so many questions and to that point - the more you reach the other articles on this site you'll see everything begins to fit together. Go explore another topic and you'll come back with a better understanding of these trees as well.

Dowload My Library

I have a massive library of even more videos and images on this topic that will keep you enthralled for days. You can download them below for free, becasuse it's worth sharing.